
Check-in for the latest WordPress news, including Jetpack Stats going paid, Woo rebranding, WordPress.org redesigns, and lots, lots more.


It took some time to find the right place for WPShout in our portfolio, but now we think we’re there. We’ve merged the WPShout and CodeinWP websites together under WPShout’s brand and name!


The problem with trying to find the fastest WordPress hosting available is that you can’t really do it overnight. You certainly don’t just want to believe the hosts’ own marketing materials (since I have yet to come across a host that doesn’t say they’re the fastest around), and doing any performance tests of your own will take time.


We’ve asked several WordPress developers how AI has impacted their work. Read their answers to learn how you can take advantage of the new AI tools out there.


What’s the difference between block themes and classic themes? Block themes are a newer type of WordPress theme that are optimized for the block editor. They are sometimes known as Full Site Editing or FSE themes, as using one of them enables the user to edit all parts of their site, without knowing code. Where… Read More »What’s the difference between block themes and classic themes?


Learn how to use AI for personalized content creation, SEO and customer support. Tom shares how you can get help from AI and LLM in WordPress by using plugins.


Learn how to use AI for personalized content creation, SEO and customer support. Tom shares how you can get help from AI and LLM in WordPress by using plugins.


I’ve worked with WordPress for a long time. I know how to build a website, customize it with top-quality themes and plugins, and how to maintain it and keep it safe. What I didn’t know was how things work behind the scenes. How is WordPress built? How do WordPress updates work? What can we do to make WordPress better?


I’ve worked with WordPress for a long time. I know how to build a website, customize it with top-quality themes and plugins, and how to maintain it and keep it safe. What I didn’t know was how things work behind the scenes. How is WordPress built? How do WordPress updates work? What can we do to make WordPress better?


Greetings fellow bargain hunter. If you’re reading this right now, then I’m assuming that you love a good deal just as much as I do, especially when it comes to domain names.